Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bryce Canyon, Sunrise May 10, 2008

Thor's Hammer, originally uploaded by BillyCrafton.

We dragged ourselves out of bed at 5:15 after a few hours of sleep to head over to Sunset Point to get shots of the sunrise on Bryce Canyon. Terry was the first one out as he wanted to catch the sun crest the rim of the canyon.

The tire patch job Brian did yesterday has held and we were in good shape. I met a guy with his 3 daughters shooting a 15 year old Hassleblad as I shot my D300 (tripod) and D80 (hand-held 70-200mm VR).

We finished up around 8 and headed over to Bryce Point for some more shots. We saw some California Condors but they were too far away for my 70-200mm lens.

We stopped at Ruby's Inn and grabbed some breakfast. We couldn't take another meal of trail mix and jerky!

We ended up at midday back at the cabins exhausted and took a nap before heading out at 3:30 for Devil's Garden for sunset shots and night shots.

More to come for Saturday!

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