Saturday, May 17, 2008

Moonrise in Zion, May 16, 2008

Moonrise in Zion, originally uploaded by BillyCrafton.

As our last full day in Zion, Terry and I took it easy while Brian and Ken hiked Angel's Landing. Our plan was to meet back at the Visitor's Center around 12:30.

Terry and I started on a trail to Emerald Pools but was told that it wasn't much today because of a lack of rain. We took the shuttle down to the Court of the Patriarchs and shot a little and then headed out of the park to do some shopping.

We finally heard from the guys around 1:30. They were at the top of Angel's Landing and said it was the scariest thing they had ever done. There was a half mile on a 3 foot ridge with an 800 foot drop-off on one side and a 1200 on the other. Plus, they had to use both hands and feet at times to climb up the ridge. If you're afraid of heights, this trip isn't for you!

Terry and I decided to grab lunch and we had a Polygamist Stout, to good to drink just one!

After some more wandering around, we finally hooked up outside the park at 3:30 and took Brian and Ken to a mexican restaurant for their lunch. We had a 39 ounce heffe-wieze beer and drove back to the lodge to take a few shots of the Watcher and get setup for sunset.

We could see clouds behind us but we never got a good sunset and we headed back to the room to pack and get ready to head out for home!

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