Saturday, May 10, 2008

Escalante, Morning of May 9, 2008

Peekaboo Slot Canyon, originally uploaded by BillyCrafton.

Yesterday, we went to Escalante to find Peekaboo Slot Canyons. The colors were very cool but the hike to the slot canyons required a lot of decent into the canyon and a lot of sand!

To get into Peekaboo, we had to climb about 8 feet. Ken went in first and we handed up tripods and camera gear. I wore my ThinkTank belt system and that was a big MISTAKE! It was hard to turn sideways to get through a lot of the openings. There were also a lot of people that came through. It was a popular place!

The exit to Peekaboo was pretty tight. Terry and I climbed over Lemon Squeeze, were Terry almost broke his foot, and finally exited with no idea how to get back to the parking lot. We could see it but we had trouble finding the trail back to the bottom of the canyon. The hike back up the trail was pretty strenuous but we got back and headed back to Escalante for lunch. On the way back the dirt rode, we picked up a rock that put a small hole in the left rear tire. Brian "The MacGuiver" Woolum bought a tire repair kit and we've been as good as new ever since.

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